Tuesday, January 08, 2008

knitting decisions

Resolution can be defined as:

a song included in Nick Lachey's sophomore solo album What's Left of Me, which was released in 2006.

or this: a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner.

I personally hate new years resolutions. I kinda hate new years too. I just reflect on the past year and if I happen to be in a foul mood( which I am) I get all bummed about what hasn't been accomplished and "resolve" to do a bajillion and one things better in which I fail during week one and feel crummier than I did before.

This time of year is a time for some anniversaries for moi. I have lived in Rochester for 3 years this month. I have also been knitting for 3 years. Because of knitting, I have met wonderful and interesting people. For that I'm very grateful. I also took a looksy at a list I made a few years back titles 100 things to do before I die. I was pleased I actually have a few to check off including: quit caffeine, stay in Alanon for at least 1 year, announce my resignation as bridesmaid, get buried in the sand, get a dog and learn continental knitting. There are quite a few I will probably never complete such as kiss Luke Wilson. And some I should really get on, like make that dentist appointment. After all this, I feel, well, more hopeful and I'm pleased I have a clean slate in 2008. Most of my problems with things in life are in the semantics. Like I just don't like what I associate with the word resolution. So after looking up the word resolution I'm pleased to find that it is a decision. I'm comfortable with the word decision. I make decisions all the time. Some good, some bad, but at the end of the day no one is dead and I've learned something. So here are my new years decisions:
1) I decide to figure out how to turn off that alarm on my watch that goes off every night at 8:56 PM.
2) Considering it has taken me years to find a church that gels with my values, I decide to attend more regularly.
3) I decide to Knit continentally. I just ever stick with it long enough to not feel completely uncomfortable doing it.
4) I decide to be less of a knitting wussy. Just yesterday I decided against a patern because I was intimidated by the term 'double knitting'.
5) I decide to knit 2 projects at a time. I'll never be a one project at time gal. I'm a knitting floozy. I'm kay with that. But I would like to see something actually finished too.

I am a giant work in progress and could go one forever with decisions but for now this will do.


Dorothy said...

Hooray for making decisions! What church have you been attending? I'm familiar with quite a few in the Rochester area from my years working with Pioneer Clubs.

Good luck keeping up with your decisions. I'm not a big fan of resolutions either, but I still make them.

jenna said...

We're all works in progress. If you aren't a work in progress you might as well check out. I hope you got that Nick Lachey trivia from Wikipedia and not your very own brain.